Business Meetings & Bus Service: Health Partners

An employee gathering for 13,450 people

Connecting the Dots with motor coach service

Health Partners connects health plans and health providers with people who need care.

When they decided to hold an internal marketing function called Connect the Dots at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, it required the attendance of each Health Partners employee.

That’s 13,450 Health Partners employees from locations around the Twin Cities Metro Area.

274 bus trips for 24 events

To prepare for passenger pickup, our project managers made site visits to each of the hospitals. They selected loading and unloading zones, communicated with volunteers and coordinators, and determined preferred routing.

Coordination with police and parking and traffic enforcement involved meter hooding and additional No Parking signs. Continual adjustments to staffing and vehicle assignment plans due to changing ridership counts from each location kept us right on the clock.

A great client and a great day

Health Partners managed their operation beautifully, ensuring proper staffing levels at each of its 96 hospital locations. Each pickup and drop off had to happen with the utmost precision, due to helicopter landing pads, and emergency vehicle procedures, plans, and zones.

Upon arrival at the State Fairgrounds, conferences and meetings happened like clockwork due to strong signage and clearly designated locations.

Health Partners, here’s to your health.